October 12, 2010

I'm Mad


Why am I being very nice?
Why don't I just being bad to others and act like a bitch cause that's more like it.
But no, I just can't help it. All I can do is just whine and sigh, all by myself. How pathetic! It's good to be nice with my own friends...but with stranger? Hurmmm~ I barely know them and I act like an angel towards them. And now, they keep pushing me around and stepping some serious shit on me.

Today's been a rough day for me and yeah~ It is well-listed. 

  1. I had a lot of labworks. Well, I still can cope with it. (as I'm a researcher-to-be)
  2. It's such a hot day, and it felt like a burning oven in the lab. (Ain't it suppose to be a monsoon season here?)
  3. Got some stupid minor mistakes during labworks and I got confused.
  4. I went up and down from my college to the faculty and cafe like ten times today. (Damn tired man!)
  5. Someone just keep pushing me around since like a few days ago and I didn't even said a shit about it. (Well, I still have my patience...until now, I'm about to burst!)
  6. I still had my extreme headache until today and I don't know what am I going to do about it. (FYI, I had it since last Saturday)
  7. I'm moody for the whole day. It's the PMS pain! That's just one of the reasons I can't control myself today.
Sorry all, because I just simply putting my shit here. 12/10 is really a worst day ever for me. 

Goodbye~ Gotta calm myself down.

XOXO Well, I'm just sayin'...


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